Sunday, March 13, 2011

Almost a year....

Yeah, It's been almost a year since I wrote that we will be writing more. Oops. Sorry. Funny how life gets in the way sometimes.
So, it's March 13th. A time when you would think it would start being more springy. However, we live in Minnesota and it doesn't always go that way, but soon enough (this next week even) it's going to get warn, thawed and MESSY. The farm drive will be an inch or more of mud and the smell of the manure that was being spread all winter is really going to get potent. :) That's why we try and give our neighbors a little something at Christmas-time...well, for that and a lot of other reasons. Our neighbors are pretty neat people out here. A lot had probably happened in the last year, but nothing I can specifically think of now. I'll post some photos though...mostly from Lincoln's phone. (beware...there's kind of a gross one...)

A 2-headed calf? Yep.

Do you think we can drink out of the actual water bin? No. :)

Who else is there, really?

Cow. Oh, you could probably figure that one out.

This is the view of the back of our dairy farm. Pretty view. I took this on a back road that I was pretty much forced to drive on this past summer because of....well, see for yourself in the next photos.

Yeah, road construction. Our road was torn up and widened last summer. It was left as gravel all winter which is not helping the mess at all. They plan to tar it at some point this summer...hopefully sooner than later, but it's full of potholes so, who knows. I just don't wash our saves time and /or money.

This is taken from our driveway, diagonal from the farm. they are all parked in our field

This is looking to the east toward White Rock. It made for an interesting summer. They should just come and tar our driveway for all the inconvenience and trouble. ;)

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