Saturday, April 19, 2008

Come 'n' Knock on our Door...

We recieved a call letting us know we had someone at door :).... Somehow and for some reason our front steps looked like a good place to set up for a rest. This little bull calf, no more than a week old wondered into our yard and walked up our steps and laid down. I thought it was funny so I took a picture. I bet not one city person gets such thrills at this. :) He is pretty cute too bad we don't keep the boys.


Kim Sjoquist said...

That's funny. I saw him over there by Clinton's truck, but I didn't know he laid down on the step. Cute.

Mindi Kay said...

That is SOO funny!!!! Just like a puppy-- too bad cows can't stay little-- they are so cute when they are little-- :)

Shelly Pagel said...

I love the cow pictures--I can't believe he did that!! : ) some times I miss having cows around growing up in the country and chasing the cows when they got out, even though it was always a pain the butt, kinda fun looking back at it all. : ) Love the pics